A characteristic feature of the research of the Faculty of Business and Management is its orientation towards business practice. This approach is increasingly expanding from a focus on corporate management through an entrepreneurial approach to broad interdisciplinary problems. In various forms of research, the faculty has always aimed at applied results. This, together with publication outputs, contributes to the development of society.
Vision & Mission
Faculty of Business and Management has a vision of an open institution, a creative place, where the collaboration of academics, students and practitioners brings excellent solutions to societal needs in the context of international trends, based on innovative entrepreneurial approaches. We conduct interdisciplinary research that addresses contemporary challenges, provides information for evidence-based decision-making and inspires positive change in business and society.
As part of a technical university, we connect innovation, technology and society through an entrepreneurial approach.
We foster a culture of academic excellence, collaboration and social engagement to empower future leaders and shape a prosperous and sustainable world.
Our key research theme is the development of innovative business models.

Our impact
The first socio-economic challenge of the Faculty of Business and Management after its establishment was the development and cultivation of the business environment of transition economies. By making this commitment, the faculty set out on the path it has followed ever since.
By improving and developing innovative entrepreneurial and managerial approaches in the management of firms and organizations, it is making an impact on society. Faculty of Business and Management promotes corporate sustainability and ethical business practices.
Our collaboration with industry partners and institutions promotes the transfer of knowledge into practice.
Within a technical university, the Faculty of Business and Management is a unique provider of entrepreneurial know-how for technology start-up and spin-off companies as well as for the entire business community.
Important users of the reserch results are also policy makers – government authorities such as ministries, the General Financial Directorate or the Energy Regulatory Office of the Czech Republic.
Research areas
A key research theme of the FP is the development of innovative business models.
